Correcting a GRAVE Misconception
There is this unjust, grave misconception about me that MUST be cleared up.
Some people are under the impression that I can’t dance.
I believe that this started when I was in college, and I accepted an invitation to a fraternity party. Not being a detail person, I neglected to note that it was (a) a dance party and (b) sponsored by the African American fraternity. I ended up being the only white person there, but I had a blast and danced the night away.
The next day some guy at the party asked me a question:
Guy at Party: Man, how drunk were you last night?
Future Holy Missionary: I don’t drink.
Guy at Party (falls to his knees): Man, I ain’t playing with you! How drunk were you last night?
FHM: Honest, I don’t drink.
GAP (tears squirting from his eyes): Man, you couldn’t have been moving like that on PURPOSE.
From that, people have misinterpreted my fellow student’s OBVIOUS jealousy and thought that I couldn’t dance. I present the following as PROOF that I do indeed have MOVES:
When I was visiting this school, I had a little girl tell me, “I get so excited when I get to eat.” I kept pondering it all day, and whenever I thought about it, it made me want to cry.
I get to be the DJ for Pinewood Derby, and it involves programming eight hours of music for the day. I’m always on the lookout for new music that would make the kids happy, and I found a new version of the World Cup Theme by Shakira called “Waka Waka (This Time for Africa).”

It was a live version, and at one point the whole crowd is chanting Africa! Africa! Africa! Africa! And I had this thought that people were excited about Africa, not because a cute pop star was singing, but because they had a vision of bringing the Kingdom of God to this troubled continent.
The song ended and the thought left, but it was such a sweet moment.
Your pal,