I’m More Excited than Afraid; Newest Computer Center and Publication Day
We had pizza the other night, and I got to slice one of them. I was rather rudely mocked by my children because my slices weren’t equal in size. On another day, we were invited to a friend’s home for pizza. Jim was a commander of a nuclear sub; now he is helping to expand the mission hospital. As I looked at his unequal pieces, it occurred to me that I could have been a commander of a nuclear sub.
This term I have substituted taught in French, Science and Art. My efforts to now be called “Lord Renaissance Man” have been strangely not embraced by the administration. I can report that the following monologue has occurred in EACH class: “Do I LOOK like I know stuff? I don’t know stuff. I’m here to make sure you don’t set fire to yourself.”
We have a new computer center that has started at Ngeya School, and the kids were so excited. Several parents told me that the night before classes started, their kids were so excited they couldn’t sleep. Then several of them told me THEY were so excited THEY couldn’t sleep.
The big day happened and one kid told me, “I’m more excited than afraid.” What is really fun is to visit after a few months; it’s so great to see how fast they get confident.
Which leads us to publication date of our book. We are at that stage of being more excited than afraid. The reality of this book is that it will take a miracle for it to gain traction; unknown authors aren’t embraced by media. They like to get on the bandwagon, but if there isn’t a bandwagon, they find other things to occupy their time.
That is where you come in. On March 19th, could you raise the flag on this book? If you blog, blog about it. If you have Facebook, could you put the cover of the book as your picture for a couple of days? Would you consider purchasing a book? If you buy one, would you review it on Amazon, Good Reads, Shelfari, your blog and your Facebook page?
Katie asked what she might get when the book comes out. I asked her what she wanted, and she told me a pony. I told her that if the book was a number one bestseller, we would get her a pony.
Would you help a little girl’s dream come true?
Your pal,

We’re missionaries at an international school too, but in a very different setting: Tokyo, Japan. I loved your book and I’ve written about it on my blog: http://mmuser.blogspot.jp/2013/06/unexpected-journey-to-africa.html