They are here!

December 23, 2001 by Steve Peifer

Saturday, 23 December, we went into Nairobi to the New Life Home and brought back Katie and Ben. Yes, I know we told you he was going to be called Casey, but he’s a Ben! The home had named him Ben and all of us kept calling him Ben. We had no problem switching Betsy over to Katie, but Ben is Ben and so he shall be!

I was concerned that I might be ambivalent towards the babies. Actually I was AFRAID. But that proved to be no issue at all. Once they were in our arms and at home with us, they were ours in every sense of the word. No effort needed to call Ben “son” or to refer to myself as “mama”- it just is. But the first few days were scary, I guess is the word. We were tired (no they didn’t sleep through the night at first, but happily they are now!), had some doubts, lots of fears, concerns about JT & Matthew, the full gamut of things. But JT and Matthew seem to be adjusting even more quickly than us! Matthew has claimed the role of chief bottle maker, JT likes to feed them and put them in the Johnny-jump-up.

Now that we are about a week into things we are really settling in together and enjoying these sweeties completely! I felt all thumbs when I changed the first diaper, but some 2-3 dozen later, I’m as accomplished as ever!

Katie is the firstborn and weighed more at birth. She has very delicate features and very little hair. In our humble opinions, she’s beautiful! And she is sweet. Quick to smile and coo (although her happy coo is pretty loud!). She’s also a bit on the feisty side, at least in comparison with her brother Ben.

Ben is a teddy bear! Even though he was outweighed at birth he has more than made up for it and is now a full pound heavier. He also has lots of hair, although he also has Steve’s hairline. His smile warms up your heart and you’ve got to kiss him! He’s a cuddler and Katie is more on the inquisitive side.

Their birthday is July 7 so they are almost to 6 months. Katie weighs a little over 12 pounds and Ben is about 13.5.

Our hearts are full, as is our family. God has indeed blessed us. Our Kijabe community has been so generous with us. We bought cribs and a great heavy-duty, double, jogger stroller but almost everything else from diaper pins to clothes and blankets and bottles has been given to us. Our Kenyan friends are also very pleased with the addition of Katie and Ben – they will never want for love or attention!

Thanks for praying with us and for us. We will send a photo very soon.

Our love and belated Christmas greetings to each of you,