The Ultimate Sacrifice

April 29, 2005 by Steve Peifer

The letters has been storming in. Hundreds, lo even THOUSANDS, wondering what I will do. People asking `Will he not go back to Kenya now? Will he come later?’
And the calls. The volume has prevented any of them from getting through, but I imagine people saying `How is it possible that you could still be going?’
But yet, somehow I am. People will look at me and weep and start chanting `What a NOBLE man.’
I’m sure you know the story, but...

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I’ve heard worse: Enthralling audiences across America

April 8, 2005 by Steve Peifer

When missionaries would come to my church, I would suddenly remember that I had important work to do in the nursery. I thought they were dweebs with bad haircuts who whined about money.
As my older sister would say, `There you go.’
The wonder of the principle of sowing and reaping is that between work and school, I’ve been speaking at churches all over the place in the last few months. We are scheduled to return to Kenya August 9th, and I’ve...

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So! Been eating, have you? Six Months in America

February 24, 2005 by Steve Peifer

It’s been an interesting year back in the United States. I’m not a terribly insightful person, but I think I’ve figured out one thing about America.
The first week we were back in the states I took Ben and Kate to Wal-Mart. As we walked through, with their eyes almost popping out of their sockets, I saw something that I hadn’t seen three years ago.
Wal-Mart was selling three thousand dollar TV’s. I was so amazed at this that I just stopped...

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Ain’t them cute: the twins conquer America

October 20, 2004 by Steve Peifer

Whenever you have an international trip, there is always one incident that makes you remember it; it happened when we went through security in Nairobi. JT’s carry-on was his saxophone, and when they opened it up, there was an interesting conversation:
Security: What is this?
JT: It is a saxophone.
Security: What is a saxophone?
JT: It is a musical instrument.
Security: You must play it in order for us to believe you.
So at ten o’clock in the evening, JT did a song for the...

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Will I Still be Three in America? The Twins Contemplate the Journey to America

July 12, 2004 by Steve Peifer

Have you ever met a hero and made a fool of yourself?
A few months ago, I was leaving a school which has one textbook for every seven children, and I was in a rather foul mood. An official government procession went by, and by law, you must pull over to the side of the road, stop your engine and get out of your car.
And I counted over 15 new Mercedes.
I had one of my hitting the steering wheel of...

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You Have Become an African Man

June 26, 2004 by Steve Peifer

I never expected to become friends with Margaret, but I’m grateful for it nonetheless. I began to know her when I first started buying maize and beans. I went to market myself, and could never beat her prices. She was a brilliant negotiator, and I soon started buying most of my beans from her.
When the pastor I was dealing with was transferred, Margaret started going with me to the schools. Her husband is a pastor, and because of his...

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Why I Like Momma Better; the Daughter Reveals the Tragic Secret

June 18, 2004 by Steve Peifer

Truth be told, I was the older boys’ favorite when they were younger. But that is not the case with the dynamic duo, who favor Nancy to a staggering degree. I’m not threatened by this; it is a sign of their high intelligence.
However, I discovered WHY Nancy is the favorite, and I must admit to seeing a sense of relief. Katie and Ben are on a blistering pace to complete toilet training; I am now hoping they will be toilet...

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Right Hand Fork, Left Hand Knife: Fine Dining in the Eighth Grade

June 1, 2004 by Steve Peifer

Kenya put their tax forms out on April 20. Taxes were due April 30. When people protested, they made a ruling that explains much about this country. Taxes were still due on the 30th, but the forms weren’t due until June 30th.
We had the annual Eighth Grade Formal recently. It’s always funny, and it’s always sad that the parents don’t get to see their guys clean up so nice. One guy was so scared about being incorrect that he wrote...

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