Wood Surfing

October 21, 2001 by Steve Peifer

Some people like to be at the forefront of a trend. Since this is scientifically impossible for me, I am more inclined to celebrate the end of a trend. In the states, there was a radio ad playing right before we returned to Africa in which a young child earnestly yelled, “Ovaltine rocks!” I think it is safe to say that the expression “That rocks” has passed out of cool.
In the same spirit, I wish to announce the end of...

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The Road Home

October 17, 2001 by Steve Peifer

During the 70’s, there was a genre of movies called disaster films. Buildings caught on fire, boats sank, and other bad stuff happened. When they started to run out of ideas, they had several movies about killer bees attacking people.
In the last week, you can walk twenty yards from our home and hear a huge buzzing. It is huge swarms of bees, and it is the eeriest sound I can think of. If Ernest Borgnaine shows up, I’m on the...

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You are one of us

October 7, 2001 by Steve Peifer

You know how in the US everyone will ask you how you are and you say fine? And how that gets old? In Kenya, people greet you with Habari yako which means how are you and you respond Mzuri sana which means fine.
I’ve tried to change it with inflection. I say Habari in a normal voice and then, on the last syllable of yako I sound like my underwear just bunched up. It never fails to get a response from...

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Subordinating Conjunctions

September 30, 2001 by Steve Peifer

Sound interesting? Like to spend 45 minutes of the only life you’ll have on this earth learning what they are? Me either.
But it is my task to make learning subordinating conjunctions interesting, or at least palatable. How is this done? I have had my panic attacks over this, but so far this is what has hit and missed:

Finding the subject in a sentence:  Since we just read Sherlock Holmes, I had everyone wear a hat to class and they had...

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What is this ‘Zoom’?

September 23, 2001 by Steve Peifer

You can learn things from small children. I was an ear witness to the following:
Them1: I promise you it works.
Them2: I don’t think it can, but it would be SO cool if it did.
Them1: I promise you I tried it and it works.
Me: What works?
Them1: If you drink a Coke really fast and hold your burp until it hurts, it will be three times louder than normal.
Me: How do you know?
Them1: I have...

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Baboon Etiquette

September 8, 2001 by Steve Peifer

I like to walk in the mornings. We are in a very rural area of Africa, so I get to see all varieties of birds and animals, including monkeys and baboons. I have learned proper baboon etiquette, which I am sure will be useful the next time you run across one.
First of all, it is unusual to run across one baboon at a time. Baboons travel in families, or packs. When I am walking, I usually notice a branch in...

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Ode to a very small dog

August 30, 2001 by Steve Peifer

This wasn’t an easy move this time. It is one thing to go to Africa for one year, and rent out your house to one of your best friends, and come back to the same neighborhood and same church and same friends.
It’s another thing to leave a house you love, a church you cherished, friends and neighbors who have been so part of your life, a great job, good income and stuff.
Some stuff you are anxious to get rid of....

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The final ringing of the bell

July 16, 2000 by Steve Peifer

The last day of school started interestingly. Two little girls asked me to help them get a foot long lizard out of a tree because they wanted him for a pet. I couldn’t reach him, so I put one of the girls on my shoulders and she got him. As she was getting him, we had the following conversation:
Me: Do you have him yet?
Her: I’m so close.
Me: Do you have him yet?
Her: Oops.
Me: What do you mean?
Her: I had him...

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