Are You Menopausal? Adventures in Giving Blood

January 29, 2007 by Steve Peifer

High on the list of charming things I do in Kenya occurs after I drop off Ben and Kate at school. As I walk to my office, I pass many young impressionable students. My combination of sensitivity and gentle wit serves me well as I yell loudly at young people: `It’s MY sidewalk. Off, off, off! It’s MINE.’
There was a particular group of second grade girls whom I so delighted in instructing this way. I loved how they fled from...

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Snow Chains in Africa: Adventures in Driving

January 17, 2007 by Steve Peifer

The tradition at RVA is a nice one; the kindergarteners through sixth graders (the titchies) collect money all term, and we use the money to buy food hampers for the elderly around us. Right before Christmas, we deliver the food to over sixty people.
There is usually a hitch, and the one this year was that it has rained almost every day for the past two months. It has made the already problematic roads amazingly worse, and then there was one...

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Honk if you love Jesus/Adventures in Egypt

December 22, 2006 by Steve Peifer

They say this is the season of peace and joy, but you couldn’t tell it from our household. It has been pretty tense around here.
Part of the conflict has been Christmas music. My favorite Christmas song has somehow become `The Christmas Polka’ by Jim Reeves. More importantly, it is Ben’s favorite song, and he asks for it to be played OFTEN. This causes Nancy, JT, Matthew and now Katie to flee the room. But it is so catchy that I...

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The Cost of Success

December 3, 2006 by Steve Peifer

Another headline you might not see in America:

I know it may be hard to read, but there are rewards in this article besides the headlines. (Note especially the last paragraph of the first column.)
This is my crazy time of year, where I am writing recommendations and sending out college applications. Because we are a boarding school and because many of our families do not have access to the internet or secure mailings, I am working day and night trying to...

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The Shelf Life of Skipping

November 2, 2006 by Steve Peifer

It was probably because we had boys before, but I don’t remember much skipping with the older kids. Then again, I was gone before they woke up and they were driven to school.

Nancy has a 7:45 class, so I get to take the twins to school which begins at 8. It isn’t five minutes away, but it is my favorite part of the day. Part of it is how much they love school, but most of it is the skipping....

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Between a Nun and a Nigerian; Adventures in America

October 14, 2006 by Steve Peifer

An exciting opportunity and a daunting task; go to the US for 10 days to attend an educational conference on admissions and have the chance to tell 450 colleges about RVA kids. The daunting part was to not get jetlagged so I could be lucid.
My flight left at midnight on October 2. I arrived in London at 6:20 am and left London at 9:30am to fly to Chicago. I had a four hour layover, and my brother drove all the...

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Crazy prayers

September 30, 2006 by Steve Peifer

God is so good! An overused statement, but only because it is so true. And one proof of His goodness to me is the trip I got to take to Paris this summer with JT.
When I was first asked to teach French I was a bit overwhelmed. After all, I last used French over 30 years ago (ouch, yes, I’m that old!). But I was excited nonetheless. Then the opportunity came for me to go to Paris for...

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I Never Had a Dream So Big

September 23, 2006 by Steve Peifer

Not everyone will start the day with an email like this, but we did on Monday:
Due to the increasingly aggressive nature of some of the baboons in the forest in our area, the Kenya Wildlife Service will be exterminating a limited number of baboons from the forest around RVA on Monday. We ask that all students and...

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