More from Kenya

October 20, 1999 by Steve Peifer

Hello again from sunny Kijabe. Unfortunately, no rain since last week. We pray on.

God is at work in us. God has always been at work in us, but we find ourselves in a new way, aware that God is doing something on our insides. And we don’t have a clue what it is. Well, we could guess and analyze and all, but I feel like God doesn’t even want us to do that. He wants us to just surrender ourselves to allow Him to do what He is doing and when He is done we can say, “Oh!”.

It was a different weekend for me. In some ways a very uneventful time, but with huge spiritual awareness. On Friday I found myself wondering about the cynicism of many of the missionaries here. I’m not uncovering them, most of them readily admit to their struggle in this area and don’t want to be cynical. Years of dealing cross-culturally and being deeply disappointed by people’s actions is hard to deal with. As I cried out to God he reminded me of Jesus washing His disciples feet-even Judas’ feet. And I thought, “Oh God, I don’t think I could do that.”

On Saturday I was called and requested to give blood for a little premature baby (32 weeks) down at the Kijabe Medical Center. (We O blood types are in big demand here!). It was a multi-layered experience. I was so happy to be able to help a newborn baby but couldn’t help thinking of my Stephen. But hospitals in Kenya are NOT like hospitals in America and I found myself asking God to protect me even as I was just giving blood. Then on Sunday as I was wondering whether the baby would make it or not, God spoke to me and showed me that I gave blood to that baby just as Jesus gave His blood for the world, not knowing the final outcome for everyone.

Later on Saturday I visited at length with one of the doctors’ wives about her 2 adopted Kenyan babies. I cried as I heard of how they had been rescued from death. One had been abandoned on the mountainside at 5 months, the other was an AIDS baby who is now (Praise God) HIV Negative!

Then Sunday was Outreach Sunday when outreach to the surrounding area is stressed. Famine Relief is the big emphasis right now. I cried again as I watched a video taken 2 years ago during another dry period, watching the little children gratefully eating food that RVA had provided.

I hope God is breaking my heart in new ways, so that I can love and give and obey the Father in a whole new way. The world needs to know the Father so desperately.

So, on a more serious note than usual, because that’s where God has me right now, I greet you all in the name of Him who holds it all in his hands, and send along my love to each of you.
