I do better when I don’t know nothing

March 19, 2000 by Steve Peifer

I need to confess the real reason I came to Africa.
I just didn’t want to hear `The Heart Will Go On’ ever again. I am convinced that the reason for road rage in the United States was people hearing that song and deciding that violence was the only alternative.
You can imagine my joy for the past two weeks as I passed the music building and strains of that song reverberated through the cement. That song is annoying with professional production:...

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March 14, 2000 by Steve Peifer

As a pet’s name, what does that conjure up? A beautiful stallion perhaps? In Africa, might it be a leopard, or even a lion?
Somehow, it is the name of Matthew’s tiny brown bunny, which likes to be held and eat lettuce. We are still puzzled by the name, but Thunderbolt is taking it in stride.
We went on a field trip to an ostrich farm last week. After a long loud bus ride with dozens of young children singing `99 bottles...

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Don’t get greedy with bunny hops

February 27, 2000 by Steve Peifer

How do you motivate young children to learn computer? A real teacher could tell you, but I’m not a real teacher, so I have had to figure it out on my own. There are three principles that have worked for me:

Empathy. One of the cutest first grade girls of all time, Joy, came in to computer class last term and told me that she was sad because her parents would not be coming for mid term break. Then she started...

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Vote for the best title

February 14, 2000 by Steve Peifer

Usually, the title of each week’s email is pretty easy to come up with. But this has been a wild week, so please vote for the following after you read this:

The worst Valentine ever written
God Knows
Matthew and I claimed the eyeball
I already got to touch the intestines
I put the eyeball in the fire
Redneck hunting in Africa

I will also put a disclaimer in this week. None of this is made up. None of it ever is, but this week I need...

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ALL His ways are perfect

February 13, 2000 by Steve Peifer

Before we left for our trip this weekend, I was going to entitle this update, “Camping in a skirt”. To be culturally sensitive, as an older (!) Christian missionary I needed to wear a skirt when visiting the Masai village. It wasn’t a problem for me, just a first. But this weekend was so impacting, that I couldn’t give it that glib of a title. And I don’t think I can yet share all that I gained this weekend, but...

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Solo Coda

February 10, 2000 by Steve Peifer

Last Friday, when I finally had a chance to talk with Grace again. I asked her, knowing the answer, if she had told her family about my song. She just started laughing and laughing and finally got out a “yes”. I said, “Oh?” And she said, “Yes I told them. Then I sang it just the way you sang it!”
Then we both started laughing. She, remembering how funny it was, and me because the tables had been turned.  How often...

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I wish MY skin was black

February 6, 2000 by Steve Peifer

Every evening we have devotions in the dorm. Our tradition is to invite different people in the community to come and share; where else could you have people do something like that? Last week, one of the single women came and brought a video that she made when she bungee jumped in Victoria Falls, Africa. The video was dramatic, and she gave a wonderful talk about trust and faith.
What did fifth grade boys get out of the talk? The next...

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My first solo

February 4, 2000 by Steve Peifer

My Bible study with the women who sell vegetables is going pretty well. I’m not too sure what they think of what I present, but they enjoy getting together and each week there has been at least one new face! I thought I would give you a picture of what it’s like.
The women begin gathering outside our house around 1:00. They have been selling vegetables on campus since 7:30 or 8:00 and are very tired. Even the older women start...

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